Coaching Ethically
To be a volunteer coach for the City of Conroe Parks and Rec, is to be an ethical coach. Often times coaches can get too involved with the score of the game, instead of the development and prosperity of our athletes we coach. When we get emotionally involved in the score of the game, instead of how our players are playing, we lose sight of the goal of youth sport, which is to foster growth in our athletes' abilities.
You are a role-model
One of the aspects of being a youth coach is being a role-model for your young athletes. They will be looking and watching everything you do. When young athletes see their coaches getting visibly angry, see them yell at the officials, and stomp around the sidelines when things go wrong, players think that those are acceptable ways for them to act. As a coach you need to be in control of your emotions at all times.
You are the face of City of Conroe Sports while you are on the field. Our coaches should be the most respectful, ethical people on the field. Our coaches:
- Never speaks disrespectfully to the officials
- Always bring a game-winning approach to every game and practice
- Treats every player with respect and encourages them to be their best.

Ethical Coaching Guidelines
Ethical coaches provide clear and helpful feedback for their athletes when the athlete is struggling with an aspect of the sport. When an athlete has an issue performing a skill, some one on one guidance in assisting them can be beneficial, as well as some extra repetitions working on the skill can also help. Being a positive influence in young athletes' lives is what a coach should strive to accomplish, and being an ethical coach is the best way to accomplish that.
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